
Some might… Need a reciprocal relationship of trust.

Some might… Need to be touched several times before they choose to leave.

“Some might…” Series

At one of our previous meetings our director, Jane White, asked task force members to reflect on their work with human trafficking victims/survivors to finish the phrase, “Some might _________.” The experiences of those that have been trafficked vary. The way others perceive and treat victims/survivors of human trafficking differs. Most importantly, the way victims/survivors […]

Congrats to the 20th Train the Trainer class!

Congratulations to the 20th class successfully completing the Train the Trainer two-day intensive workshop on Human Trafficking. Great members of Task Force teaching, dedicated, in quest of new knowledge, and passionate participants…what a combination.– Jane White, Director, MI Human Trafficking Task Force

Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month which is an exciting, crazy month for anyone working in anti-trafficking efforts. Why is it crazy? Try searching “human trafficking” on sites like EventBrite or Facebook Events. You’ll find a TON of events happening in your community every week! This is an exciting time for us working in the anti-trafficking […]