Being a voice—speak up for those who have no voice
Be on a mailing list from your state and congressional representative asking to be notified when human trafficking issues are being proposed;
Work on “understanding” of victim centered approach and have a brown bag lunch to fully discuss what this means and what is missing from this model to stop human trafficking
Request from your local police department information on what entails their investigative efforts in trafficking as well as what training is available for all within their respective departments, including dispatchers, code enforcement, etc.
Start looking at what it means to BUY RESPONSIBLY—FAIR TRADE and then think about this when you purchase as to whether other vendors may be available
Volunteer at a local shelter, mentor in reading programs
Know the indicators or red flags of potential labor and sexual trafficking victims
Program the national hotline number and give this number to 5 other people for them to program in their phones…1-888-3737-888
If you suspect someone is being trafficked, call the hot-line or your local police agency
Start following what the SUPPLY CHAIN means and what your local government is doing to avoid contracting with those who may be hiring trafficked children and adults
Inquire if the medical community and first responders need support for training on identifying victims/knowing symptoms
As a club, service organization, work group or whatever once a year support a fund-raising activity that gives out awareness information and raises money for a HT anti-trafficking local cause
Question sources of information that declare unreliable and unfounded statistics in a sensational way –start writing letters to the editor or news station when they over simplify a complex problem like trafficking
Consider becoming a foster parent
Learn More
Watch: Films or Videos
Video or films to consider; Your browser will connect you to the source;
Break the Chain
Not My Life (updated version)
The Harvest
The Cost of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking (Dr. Cooper)
Indoctrinated: the Grooming of Our Children into Prostitution
A Path Continues and Half the Sky (Kristof)
CNN series on Human Trafficking
Slavery : A 21st Century Evil (You Tube)
TED Talks, including Kevin Bates and others
Faith-based responses to Human Trafficking
Blue line series—Homeland Security
Girls Like Us—GEMS
Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force facebook page
PBS Series on Human Trafficking
Read: Books
Bales, Kevin, The Slave Next Door and Blood and Earth
Moore, Anne, Theadbare: Clothes Sex & Trafficking (2016)
Lloyd, Rachel, Girls Like Us (2011)
Malarek, Victor, The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy it (2011)
Advancing Financial Crime Professionals Worldwide, Financial Institutions and U. S. Officials Join Forces in Detecting Human Traffickers (8-25-15)
Lutnick, Alexandrak “Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: Beyond Victims and Villains, (2016)
Bolkovac and Lynn, The Whistleblower, (2011)
Smith, Holly Austin, “Walking Prey: How America’s Youth are Vulnerable to Sex Slavery”, (2014)
Read: Articles
Owens, Colleen, Dank, Meredith, Farrell, Amy et al, “Understanding the Organization, Operation and Victimization Process of Labor Trafficking in the United States”, (2014), Urban Institute
…”Federal Jury in SPCI Case Awards $14 million to Indian Guest workers Victimized in Labor Trafficking Scheme by Signal International and Its Agents”, (2015)
Alpert, Elaine, Ahn, Roy, Albright, Erin et al, “Human Trafficking: Guidebook on Identification, Assessment and Response in the Health Care Setting”, Massachusetts General Hospital and Mass. Medical Society, (2014)
Dank, Meredith, Khan, Bilal, Doumey P, et al, “Estimating the Size and Structure of the Underground Commercial Sex Economy in Eight Major US Cities:, (2014)
Bessel A. Van Der Kol, Susan Roth, etc., “Disorders of Extreme Stress: the Empirical Foundation of a Complex Adaptation to Trauma” Journal of Traumatic Stress, (October, 2005)
Hepburn S. and Simon, R. J. “Hidden in Plain Sight: Human Trafficking in the United States”, Gender Issues 22 (2010)
Merry, Sally Engle, “How Big is the Trafficking Problem? The Mysteries of Quantification”, 1-16-15) Democracy.
Kessler, Glenn, “Why You Should Be Wary of Statistics on “Modern Slavery” and “Trafficking:, (5-13-15) The Washington Post.
Coordination, Collaboration, Capacity, (2013) Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States. US. Government, Executive office.
Break the Silence.